I wish that children were born with a how-to-manual. As a first-time parent, I was full of hope, and I strove to do my best to raise my precious child. I tried to control everything in her environment; she...
Trying something new is always an adventure. It’s a chance to step out of your comfort zone, challenge yourself, and maybe even find a new passion. That’s exactly what I thought when my family convinced me to try skiing....
There are days when I can’t remember my life before my son. What did I do when I didn’t have to mother him? I have begun to define myself by this role and allowed being a “mom” to seep into other parts...
Mamas, I've been lying to many of you. Straight up lying. Often to your faces.
You see, I love snow days, and I will miss them when spring starts to peek her head into the room. Oh, don't get me...
The holidays have come and gone like a whirlwind, the same as every year. Now it’s January, and you’re ready to hit your health and fitness goals hard, the same way you do every year. You’ll start strong,...
My husband has handled our kids’ holiday gifts for the past couple of years. He keeps ideas on our shared list app so I can see them, but I didn’t bother checking this year. He fields questions from grandparents...
As moms, we all love our kids, right? We would do anything for them and move mountains if we needed to. But let's be honest here. Sometimes those little buggers can drive us bonkers, and we need a time-out.
Let’s face it: we all strive to be the best mom we can be. Sometimes, we’re killing it at the parenting game, and sometimes, well, we just want to stick our heads in the sand and hide. Or, in...
Please don't ask what's for dinner. I’ve run out of meal ideas. Week after week, my grocery shopping list looks the same, covering the basics—like dairy, veggies, and fruit—but few meals or even ingredients are actually planned. After a...
Every new year, we are inundated with messages about improving ourselves and how to make a bold move, change ourselves, and transform into the New You.
How about be YOU? How about finding what makes you happy and brings joy...