I’m a Mom!


I’m a mom!

I expect you to help me clean up, but then get mad when it’s not done how I want. I see you dishwasher!

I’m a mom!

I will huff and puff under my breath as I rage-clean, and if you ask me what’s wrong, I’ll say, “Nothing!” as I go back to vacuuming with fierce intensity.

I’m a mom!

I will buy you all the latest trends so you can feel happy and confident while I wear the same leggings and bras from college. Lululemon for everyone! Except for mom. Boooo!

I’m a mom!

I will complain about taking care of all the pets and then cuddle the dogs at the end of the night while talking to them in a baby voice.

I’m a mom!

I will always offer my kids fruit first and then eat all the peanut butter M&M’s while they’re sleeping. “That’s junk! Now, have an apple!”

I’m a mom!

I will always threaten to throw away my kids’ toys if they don’t clean up their rooms, but I’ll never actually do it.

I’m a mom!

I will use Santa Claus any day of the year! He’s watching, ya know!

I’m a mom!

I will always push a phantom shopping cart, even when I’m not in the supermarket.

I’m a mom!

I will always go to bat for my kids because even though they drive me crazy, I love them more than life itself.

I should mention that these were all written in a light-hearted, joking way, and I absolutely love being a mom. Oh, and the part about the rage-cleaning and bribery tactics is absolutely not true. I never do those things, nope, not me, not ever…

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Nicole is a proud mother to her three children, Reagan, Johnny, and Tristan. She and her husband keep busy with their two fur babies, Henry and Teddy. Nicole lives in Somers with her crazy crew, and when she’s not wiping noses, serving snacks, and reading “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?”, she’s writing for her blog, Mama Explains, which offers relatable parenting tips and stories. You can find her on Instagram @mamaexplains or visit her blog at www.mamaexplains.com. She’s also a huge lover of Nutella, nineties music, and her Peloton bike, which she rides mainly for the ’90s-themed classes.


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