Shift Your Mindset and Add More to Your Life


A woman saying yes to self-care.Moms, I’m sure every time you see an article by a personal trainer at this point in January, you’re thinking, “Here we go again,” more crazy advice or someone telling me to diet and exercise. Give up this or don’t do that.

Well, guess what, you’ve got the wrong girl! Not only will I never tell you to take something away, but I’ll be the first to tell you to add more. This applies to your health, fitness, mental and emotional well-being, and motherhood.

I never loved the idea of a resolution, but the older I get, the more I realize it can be destructive. It’s not that resolutions are the problem. The problem lies in the execution.

Everyone thinks they need extremes. Go keto, give up sugar, don’t eat carbs, and exercise for an hour daily. Extremes and the idea of taking things away don’t work. When you tell someone they can’t do something, it’s human nature to want to do it.

Shifting your mindset to what you can do or add to your life is the missing puzzle piece for many people. 

Of course, this applies to your health and fitness, but it can also apply to being a mom. So, let’s try something new this year. A mom’s new motto should be “More.’” When it comes to your health and fitness, try more walks, more vegetables, more movement, and more sleep. Basically, MORE to self-care this year.  

But how does this apply to motherhood? I’m not talking about more stress, more loads of laundry, more to your invisible load. I’m saying “More” to letting go of “mom guilt,” more saying yes to things that fill your bucket, more quality time with your family, more fun memories, more sleep, more boundaries, more drinks with friends, more accepting help, more flexibility, more tech detoxes, more outdoor time, more empowerment, more balance, more gratitude, more inspiration, more positive role models, more continuous learning and of course more appreciation. 

More can be a good thing. Not of certain mindsets or negative thoughts, but the positive mindset always has room for MORE!

Schedule dinner with friends, make more time for self-care, and let go of “mom guilt.” Your whole outlook and mindset will have a positive shift that will look good on you. 

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Jess is a stay-at-home mom to her three children and a personal trainer. She loves to combine motherhood and exercise and help moms be the best version of themselves physically and mentally. Jess and her husband, Mike, moved from NYC to Westchester almost ten years ago. You can usually find them on some sort of youth sports field or doing something active. Jess also loves spending time at home reading, eating anything sweet, and watching Bravo reality shows. You can follow her journey on Instagram @jquickfit.


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