Pop quiz: On a scale of 1–10, how easy is it to talk yourself out of a workout? We’ll say 1 is impossible — you’re sticking with it, and there is nothing that can derail your commitment to your...
Men and women in a running club.

A New Year to Run

I have been a runner for over ten years now, but I did not start that way. Growing up, I never really ran for more than two miles at a time for a workout. But being someone who regularly...
My sister and I don’t speak on the phone much. It’s not due to any particular reason – just our circumstances over the years. She lived in Las Vegas for a few years in the late 1990s/early 2000s and...
When our children are healthy, it may be far from our minds that they may be at risk for heart and other nutrition-related diseases one day. We want our kids to live long and healthy lives, and the best...
A few months ago, I was having trouble sleeping, even before the pandemic. As someone who cannot function without sleep, I was looking for ways to improve my sleep.  I came across the idea of sleeping with a weighted...
My kiddos have been home from school, as have all of yours, and social distancing has become a new part of our daily vocabulary due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In my home, we are struggling at times to find...
Our bodies follow rhythms that are very much in-tune with the season. Honoring these rhythms allow for a transition that aligns with nature’s intent. For example, did you know that a deer’s stomach secretes enzymes that change drastically from...

Go Further with Food!

March is National Nutrition Month! The theme for 2018 is “Go Further with Food.” It reminds us that the food we choose is not only an opportunity to benefit our health, but also to save money and reduce our...
We all know getting workouts done every week is beneficial, right? Right? Working out is something that helps to strengthen our bodies physically and our minds mentally. When I am active, I can better handle all the competing priorities as a...
managing food waste

Reducing Food Waste

One of the most important contributions we can make to society is to help reduce food waste. Based on estimates from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Economic Research Service, food waste is estimated at between 30-40% of...

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In + Around Westchester

A Mom’s Guide To Westchester Events :: May 2024

Happy Mother's Day. We all know that moms deserve to be celebrated every day. This month, choose some fun events around Westchester County for...