During this chaotic time, keeping calm is easier said than done. Anxiety and fear are quickly taking over, and with good reason. We want to help alleviate some of the stress associated with the confusion of not knowing what is actually going on, what you should, and could be doing to help protect yourself and your family. That being said, we took a moment to put together this guide geared towards pointing you in the right direction as you search to find answers to some of your many questions.
The Facts
Knowledge is power. Keep yourself well informed at all times.
If you would like to know more about the following, please refer to the fact sheet below.
- What is Coronavirus?
- Am I at risk for infection?
- How does the virus spread?
- What are the symptoms?
- What should I do if I think I am displaying symptoms?
Coronavirus Fact Sheet (English)
Coronavirus Fact Sheet (Spanish)
With the media coverage and mass hysteria, we find ourselves hanging on to every frightening word.
A few of the most concerning are the following:
While many of us have decided that it is in our best interest to stay put, there are just as many people who may not have the luxury to do so. Whether you are still required to commute to work or have a non-negotiable reason to travel. Check out the latest travel information, as it pertains to COVID-19 precautions.
While the word itself may seem scary, quarantine is basically an imposed period of isolation. It may be helpful to remember that this action is not punitive; it is precautionary. For more details concerning who, what, where, when, and why you can view the Westchester County Department of Health quarantine protocol here.
Equally as frightening is the thought of mandatory isolation, another attempt to contain and prevent further spreading of the virus. To view the Westchester County Department of Health isolation protocol for COVID-19, click here.
This has been one of the most concerning issues associated with the spread of COVID-19. While some of us are secretly wishing that the schools all get closed until there is a better handle on this outbreak, there are so many families who simply cannot afford for their children to be forced to stay home. If you would like more details regarding what impact the Coronavirus will have on school systems, you can check out this information on school health services. Also, don’t forget to keep an eye out for school closings and delays. Channel 12 Westchester News has been an excellent resource. You can see whether your city school district or childcare provider is closed here.
Additional Resources
Westchester Government Department of Health
Situation Summary, Risk Assessment, CDC Response
The New York State Department of Health has set up a hotline at (888) 364-3065.
We hope that this information proves to be helpful. If you know of any additional information or Westchester County resources available, please feel free to share them with us in the comments below.