Mothering the World


mothering the worldWhat if we changed the way we approach mothering? And I don’t just mean women or those who’ve birthed babies; I mean all people. What if we loved our friends and our communities the way we love our children, the way we crave a mother’s love. 

There’s a powerful feeling of being mothered, receiving the pure, full-bodied love and support from another person. It’s heartbreaking to think of how many people don’t have that. The loss of a mother is most people’s worst fear realized. It’s not something I fully understand, and I wince to imagine the absence of a mother, whether it’s physical or emotional.

My mom is an excellent example of “mothering the world.” She mothers the heck out of anyone and everyone. If you drop into her Facebook messenger one time to say hi, you are on her list, and she will look out for you and check in regularly (she’s not great with spell check, so read the emotions, not the actual words). 

A sweet new friend of mine recently posted on Facebook that in the absence of her own mother (who passed away when she was 19), if you were a mother and she had your cell phone number, be prepared to receive texts when she needs motherly advice. YES, friend, YES! 

I love this for so many reasons. First, we should all get way more comfortable asking for what we need. ASK, you deserve it! And second, if you are a mother, or if you are a compassionate individual, share that – a lot. The love and compassion and advice from a mother who loves you (whether she’s your mom or not) are special. It is unlike any other feeling.

When someone’s words of support and encouragement can wrap you up like a warm hug, and you feel safe and loved, THAT is a mother’s love. THAT should be thrown around like confetti…no, like glitter, it should be everywhere!

Nothing will ever replace the loss of a mother, but imagine if the love, the hugs, the advice, the open door, the seat at a table still existed in another form. Imagine a world where we prioritized everyone feeling this kind of care and acceptance. Imagine the world we would live in if we all felt compelled to mother our friends and our communities. 

So friends, if you have motherly love to give, give it! Give it to anyone who needs it. And friends, if you need motherly love, ASK FOR IT, and accept it!

Princess Diana said, “A mother’s arms are more comforting than anyone else’s.” And everyone deserves that comfort. 

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Lauren Schwarzfeld
Lauren Schwarzfeld was born and raised in Yorktown, and aside from college in Boston and a few months living in New York City, she has spent her entire life in Westchester. She has lived in Mt Kisco with her husband Karl since 2006, where they have three kids, Mia (2008), Jacob (2009), Abigail (2012), and two dogs, Edna (a four-year-old beagle) and Felix (a one-year-old pitbull-lab mix). Lauren is a writer, coach, and leader in community engagement. She helps women rediscover their strengths, passion, and confidence to reclaim their spot in their life and step outside the box of perceived expectations. Her goal is for women to create a future that is authentically and unapologetically their own. As the Chief Operating Officer at (914) Cares, a local non-profit, she combines her business background with a passion for volunteer work and desire to care for the community around her. Connect with Lauren on Facebook or through her website!