Mom Friends {easier to find than expected}


Making mom friends in a mom group.Moving may be a hobby at this point. At last count I have moved 34 times, which includes six different states, both coasts and the Midwest. I was lucky to grow up with divorced parents who lived in two different states. I attended two primary schools and three high schools, which pales in comparison to my husband’s childhood, which included six states in three years. All moves aside, when we had our daughter, I took making mom friends seriously because, don’t ya know – raising a little one takes a village!

At seventeen, my biological father disowned me. I packed two bags and left everything else, including my top 5 percent GPA. Leaving suburban St Louis to live on a 400-acre farm in Illinois was enlightening and entertaining. I went from living next door to drug dealers to shooting a compound bow and mudding.

Despite all the moving, my ability to define and discover friendship sharpened. Now, as a mom, I appreciate that friendship because it’s friends who circle the wagons when life gets real. 

We moved from Williamsburg, Brooklyn, to Jersey City when I was eight months pregnant. However, once my daughter was born, she was like a super magnet. We found mom friends everywhere—even while traveling. Moments with other parents experiencing the same things at the same time were relieving and, behold, incredibly bonding. While we loved Jersey City, black mold forced us to evacuate. And guess where we headed—straight for Westchester County, New York’s Mom-mecca.

Here’s my short list of where I have looked and found new mom friends. 

1. The Local Playground

Stalk it. Figure out when everyone goes, and go then, even if it means the little one sleeps in the stroller and absorbs Vitamin D. Here is our round-up of some good ones!

2. The Library 

Go to your local library and all the other neighboring ones! They’ll have story times, holiday activities, maybe a toy area, LEGO clubs, etc. Ask the librarian in the kids’ department which days and times are most popular. Join your library’s email list to stay up-to-date.

3. The Farmers’ Market 

Pack up that little bean and meander the market every week. Sit and enjoy the fresh bread, live music, or a coffee while you people-watch. You’ll start to recognize faces and be able to say hello. Read this blog to be on the up-and-up for farmers’ markets.

4. Workout 

I know, I know. Sweating and chatting up a bunch of strangers does not sound like friend-making. However, struggle together through cycling or CrossFit, and you may pick up a new running buddy or overhear fun local plans.

5. Kids’ Classes

Take your pick – yoga, ballet, art, or classes held by your local Recreation Department. These are the perfect places to meet local moms with kids the same age.

6. Read Local Blogs 

See who they follow on social media – follow them, too. Attend their events. Check our March blog for upcoming local events!

7. Coffee Shops

Become a regular. Find one with Wifi, take a book and the babe in the stroller to hang out, have lunch, or a snack. Having a barista know your drink and name is an amazing and warm feeling when you don’t know many people.

8. Co-Working

If you happen to be a mom-boss like myself, finding a place to work undisturbed can be challenging. Co-working places are popping up all over and are a great way to meet and make new friends. Take a peek!

9. Adult Classes 

There’s a growing trend for local businesses to host classes or workshops in relation to their business or their own side interests. Check out local restaurants, art stores, wineries, breweries, YMCAs, or boutiques for upcoming adult events – you’ll likely find other moms out for a break!

10. Preschool

Even if they only go for one afternoon a week – host a moms’ lunch, invite class parents over for after dinner drinks, have a birthday party and invite the kids from class, attend preschool functions, or become a class mom.

11. School

Participate in your local Primary or Upper school activities and events. There are programs like Safe Routes, the PTSA, reading, holiday, scouts, sports, etc. The key to getting involved in a group that piques your interest!

12. Community 

Lastly, my most successful endeavor in meeting friends was getting involved in our community. Meeting our neighbors (whether businesses or homeowners), attending board meetings, participating in community concerns, volunteering, or starting the local chamber of commerce.

To sum up, being involved and out regularly in my community helped me find mom friends. Having only been in Westchester County for three and a half years, I’d say this was my best experience making friends.

What was your experience like finding mom friends?

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Maggie S
Maggie grew up in Missouri and Illinois. After graduating with a BA in English, Maggie eventually found her way to New York. Surviving the layoffs and grueling hours of an investment bank during the financial meltdown was enough to make Maggie quit and go back to school. This time, she followed her creative spirit and studied jewelry design. Maggie and her husband welcomed their daughter Ele {July 2013} and moved their little family from the city to the suburbs of Westchester. In Westchester Maggie was irrepressible, opening her jewelry design boutique, Alice & Chains Jewelry; she founded a Chamber of Commerce; blogged for Westchester County Moms Blog as well as started her own running blog to combat local pedestrian safety issues. Then in typical fashion, life happened - Maggie’s husband was offered a job in Houston. Maggie fuels herself on chocolate, decaf, and old school gangster rap. If it happens to be a sunny afternoon you can find Maggie working outside on her laptop alongside with her bossy dachshund Lexxie {November 2003} and her family’s newest addition, a Rhodesian Ridgeback Masha {November 2018}. You can follow Maggie on Facebook and Instagram @aliceandchainsjewelry.