Moms are the ultimate decision-makers. From deciding on what to serve for dinner each night to planning fun family activities, we were doing it all. And then the pandemic hit, and we found ourselves making even more challenging decisions each day. Homeschool or hybrid learning? Stay up late to work or wake up extra early? Get together with friends or stay isolated?
Our ultimate goal as moms is to keep our families safe and healthy. With the new COVID-19 vaccine now available for children five years and older, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Our world is slowly getting back to normal. Moms need to decide what is best for their families, and getting vaccinated is another huge decision, but we can do this!
Start by learning the facts!
COVID is a greater threat to your child than any potential risk from the vaccine’s side effects. Vaccines protect children from severe illness, hospitalization, or death from COVID. They also help make it possible for children to safely return to school, sports, play dates, and their other favorite group activities. Vaccines also help reduce the spread of COVID and can make it possible to safely visit with family and friends who might be at risk for complications from COVID.
Talk to your pediatrician if you have questions about the vaccine.
My pediatrician is my go-to person when I’m unsure of what decisions to make for my children. As a medically trained professional, my child’s doctor has answers and I can trust that what they recommend is safe for my kids. The CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics both recommend all children five and older get a COVID vaccine as soon as possible.
COVID vaccines help prevent severe illness and death from COVID. COVID vaccines are the most closely monitored vaccines in U.S. history and are being monitored just as closely in children. Children who’ve gotten a COVID vaccine may have the same temporary side effects as adults. They are signs that the vaccine is working and that your child’s body is building protection against the virus. Some common side effects are tiredness, headache, and muscle pain.
Continue wearing a mask in public places.
Even with the vaccine, we can still do everything possible to keep others safe. Although it’s rare for kids to get severely ill from COVID, it can happen, and they can spread the virus to other people who are at greater risk.
When deciding to vaccinate my kids, I can have the peace of mind that I’m protecting them and our community.
If you’ve already decided to get the vaccine yourself, make sure you get your booster. A booster shot is an extra dose that helps keep up protection and are more important than ever. Moms need to stay healthy so we can be there for our kids. All that decision-making is hard work, but we can do this!
Research for yourself at for more information.
You can find vaccines near you at

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) COVID-19 public education campaign We Can Do This is a national initiative to increase public confidence in and uptake of COVID vaccines while reinforcing basic prevention measures such as mask-wearing and social distancing. Through a nationwide network of trusted messengers and consistent, fact-based public health messaging, the campaign helps the public make informed decisions about their health and COVID, including steps to protect themselves and their communities.