When I look at how fast the past 49 years seem to have gone, the big 50 will be here like “poof!” It’s terrifying, surreal, exhilarating, satisfying, and a whole bunch of other adjectives.
Don’t get me wrong – getting older is way better than the alternative, but let’s talk about some comical things I’ve noticed as I’ve aged.
The Funny Facts
Suddenly, there are remakes of songs or movies that were remakes when I was young. Without warning, I’m the least technically savvy person in my home – and don’t even get me started on user IDs and passwords. I make my parents text me when they get home. I find myself purchasing two of many items “just in case” – even though I live across the street from Target and Stop & Shop. Gotta love moving to another age range on those website drop-down choices. And I’m well into an age-related protected class.
Humorous and a big chuckle, right?
Less Humorous
Eyesight Changes: This was probably the first time the “getting older” thing hit me. I always had 20/20 vision, but a couple of years after turning 40, I started straining when reading closely. During my eye exam, the ophthalmologist’s simple response was “age.” It was nothing, except getting older; these things happen with age. All I needed was the counter readers. I started at 1.0 around six years ago and am currently at 1.75. Thankfully, it was an easy solution, and there was nothing really “wrong,” per se, but it was the first time that my age was the answer to changes in my body. My daughter has been wearing glasses since she was five, so I know it’s not a big deal – it’s the age reasoning that struck me.
Hair: In general, I find myself leaving the grays in my hair longer, and as a result, I worship L’Oreal Root Cover-Up Spray in between colorings. But I’m also referring to “other hair.” Our aging body offers random hairs on random body parts that were not there in our 20s and 30s. Pluck ’em, and they grow back like weeds. It’s like the gift that keeps giving. Even more astonishing is when those random hairs turn gray, making them harder to see. On one hand, it’s good that it’s harder for people to notice the odd sprouts. Yet, on the other hand, piggybacking on the eyesight issues – it’s more challenging for me to find the suckers to pluck them! And speaking of gray, I’m telling you that gray hairs turn up everywhere. Yes. Everywhere.
Memory: In my younger years, I had an incredible memory. I’d remember random dates and what happened each of those days – so much so that my friends used to rely on my memory to fill in the blanks on past events. Way before the days of documenting every move on social media. Who needed that when I was around? Fast forward to today, and with lots more filling my brain, I’m nowhere as good as I used to be. Every time I forget something, I swear that I’m getting Alzheimer’s. I forgot the word “banister” a few years back and completely freaked out about my husband. Forgetting words, forgetting why I walked into a room, forgetting where I left my phone. Granted, this often works for my benefit and that of the kids! Now, I completely understand the phenomenon of my grandmother running through a list of names before she got to the right one.
The Body: When did I consistently wake up nightly to go to the bathroom? Every. Night. Luckily, I’m someone who can fall back to sleep quickly. If only my body didn’t creak so much when I made my way out of my bed. I understand there’s a slew of new doctor’s tests I’ll experience – like a colonoscopy and bone density. Goodness gracious on the thought of menopause – if my postpartum depression was any indication, I’m certainly in for a doozy of a time. There’s also a good chance I have a medicine cabinet worth of medication in my bag – just in case.
Still laughing? (If you are – stop that – it causes laugh lines).
The Goods
Even though I speak flippantly above, I’m not naïve enough to think it’s all funny. Some situations I reference above can be symptoms of something serious, so please pay attention to your body!
I hear that getting older has its pluses —like the wisdom I’ve gained on earth so far. And… um. Wait. I have more AARP discounts.
Fine, fine… here’s what I’m thinking:
- You learn to work to live, not live to work.
- You can go to the party – or you can stay home. You choose based on what’s best for you – not everyone else in the crowd.
- It has become more acceptable to sit at concerts.
- Sweating the small stuff seems ridiculous. On a similar note, I read that you physically sweat less, too.
- You know who you are and what you like – and have less fear about going for it.
- You become much less concerned about what others think. You couldn’t care less about keeping up with those Joneses!
- Your M.O. includes speaking up for what you believe in.
- Go shopping in your storage closet for gifts because you’re bound to have bought an extra of something here and there.
- There is less drama in all of your relationships.
- You’re pretty much settled on your wardrobe style.
- Get rid of things that don’t work for you. Let ’em go, ladies.
- Admitting that you hated beer in college – even though you drank lots and lots of it.
- Getting carded! You know, to prove that you’re eligible for those AARP discounts.
It’s weird to realize that there are so many years behind me, but I can only hope and pray that there are many years ahead of me, too.
There’s still lots to do and lots to see – and a lot of opportunities to leave my footprint on this world. Age causes some funny hiccups but look at all the tests we’ve passed and all the challenges we’ve overcome already. We got this! We do not have to slow down. Never stop learning, improving, creating, exploring – and never stop getting to know you. You make a difference just by being you.
Age Is Only a Number! It’s a state of mind, my friends! So cheers to the last year of my 40s – gray hair, reader glasses, body creaks, small bladder, and all!