
Just 5 Minutes a Day

My work commute door-to-door is about an hour each way. While I absolutely do not mind taking the train (when it is on schedule), I do not enjoy the second leg of my trip, which involves the subway. I...
Being a parent is probably the most challenging job ever invented. We want nothing but the best for our children, and we’re willing to sacrifice ourselves if it means our children benefit. At some point, however, we have to work...
Mamas, we have all been there...the dreaded diagnosis of the flu for one (or more) of our kiddos. All we can hope for is that our little one can soak in all of the well wishes offered, get some...
My name is Anne Marie, and I’m a mom to two little boys, and I’m also a solopreneur. I began my business in 2010 with my little black dress as my inspiration. My goal for my business and writing is...
People often follow vegetarian diets for religious or personal reasons, as well as ethical issues such as animal rights or concern for the environment. Many people believe that vegetarian diets are healthier. However, whether you consume animal products or...
When wintertime brings colds and fevers, we must make our best effort to take care of ourselves to make a speedy recovery back to health. Sicknesses need to run their course, but there are things we can do to...
Westchester County Moms Blog wants to help you stay healthy and fit this winter. We have planned an exciting 2020 fitness event series that will give you the opportunity to start exploring the fantastic fitness, health, and wellness providers...
Each January, millions of Americans make the resolution to get fit, strong, and healthy. This year, be one of the ones to actually keep the goal! Research shows that regular exercise reduces the severity and duration of illness, improves...
breast cancer prevention

Breast Cancer Prevention

Eating a well-balanced diet not only makes us feel better and more productive in the present day but it is also an important component in prevention. Chronic disease such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer are among the...
For my plate, Turkey Day doesn’t revolve around the turkey. I like turkey, don’t get me wrong. But the sides served on Thanksgiving are what I really like to gorge on. Sweet potato casserole (with pecans, NOT marshmallows) and...

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In + Around Westchester

A Mom’s Guide To Westchester Events :: May 2024

Happy Mother's Day. We all know that moms deserve to be celebrated every day. This month, choose some fun events around Westchester County for...