The August Mom


A mom and daughter holding their arms up.The August Mom. The mom is torn between trying to savor every last precious moment of summer and looking at her watch while constantly wishing for Labor Day. The mom torn between loving the slow mornings and wanting to pack up lunches and send the kids to school.

August Moms are the SAHMs trying to survive while not putting their kids in camp. They are the working moms who spend a fortune on camps so that they can work or even have to take time off because there is no place for the kids to go. They can even be a mix of both who just have had enough and not enough at the same time.

I’m an August Mom. Every year, I dread August while welcoming it with open arms.

The kids are all home with me, and all their camps are done. Sending one or all three of them to another camp would equal a mortgage payment. I love not having to rush, pack lunches, and have any set schedule. I can usually make it a week and a half. Two weeks tops before that feeling is gone, and I’d give anything to be screaming at the kids, telling them they are about to miss the bus.

Every year I know. But this year, I’m trying to embrace the challenge and pause for the great moments.

The moments when my kids are playing together (even though that doesn’t last long), where we can spend our last few weeks not worrying about bedtimes, where I can cherish time with all my “teacher” friends who will soon be back to work. The pool, the beach, the playground. All the fun stuff. Some of the best memories are to be made in August. I need to remind myself of that.

While all the memories are balanced out with lots and lots of challenging moments, breakdowns (both me and the kids),  fighting, messes, and yelling are worth it. August is tough, but I’m trying to switch my mindset and focus on the positives this year. Just like anything in life, it’s all about mindset.

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Jess is a stay-at-home mom to her three children and a personal trainer. She loves to combine motherhood and exercise and help moms be the best version of themselves physically and mentally. Jess and her husband, Mike, moved from NYC to Westchester almost ten years ago. You can usually find them on some sort of youth sports field or doing something active. Jess also loves spending time at home reading, eating anything sweet, and watching Bravo reality shows. You can follow her journey on Instagram @jquickfit.