I know, the title’s a bit confusing, let me rephrase: I Wish I Was A Grandparent Because I’m A Toddler Mom.
Before you think I’m planning some sort of toddler arranged marriage and stop reading this, let me explain. I LOVE being a mom. Sure, there are challenging days, challenging regressions, challenging growth spurts, but on the whole, I’m so incredibly grateful for my little guy. So, why do I want to rush it? I don’t. Actually, I wish I had more time. More time to enjoy him the way his grandparents do.
I wish I was a grandparent so I could play just one more game with him and not worry about the dishes in the sink or the laundry needing folding
I wish I was a grandparent, so I could enjoy his bedtime routine without frantically checking the clock and counting down the minutes until I can jump back on emails.
I wish I was a grandparent so I could stay home with him all day, every day, and not put him in daycare 10 hours a day because I have a career I also need to focus on.
I wish I was a grandparent so I could chauffeur him around to all his weekend activities instead of splitting them up with my husband because the only time I have to go to the gym is Saturdays.
I wish I was a grandparent, so I could enjoy morning cuddles, even on a Monday, without ushering him out of bed to get dressed and ready for school.
I wish I was a grandparent, so I would be the one he’s crying to stay with when his mom has just come back from a business trip and needs to take him home.
I wish I was a grandparent so I could answer all his little three-year-old questions patiently, without gritting my teeth on the 6th “why.”
I wish I was a grandparent so I could enjoy every second of my son. The way a Mom really, really wants to. The way only a Grandparent can really, really do.