SAME. This short, tiny word is probably the most comforting to hear at certain times in our lives, especially when going through difficult moments. There’s nothing like hearing someone else is facing the same struggles or is experiencing similar feelings. And just like so many other acronyms and phrases that were created and fit so well into the relatively new world of texting, snapping, and whatever else it’s called, “I agree, “I understand, “or “I get it,” is now condensed into one simple catchphrase — same!
Naturally, I first came across this when overhearing my teenager’s conversation with her friend. One would mention how she felt, and the other replied, “same.” I loved that! Nothing reassures a teenager more or validates their feelings than hearing their peer feels the same way or has had a similar experience. That goes for all of us, especially moms!
For each time in my life that I felt alone or alienated, there was a time I felt connected, especially as a new mom. Being a stay-at-home mom 35 years ago was very common, but there weren’t too many friends or relatives my age at the time that were moms yet. I bonded with my firstborn but missed comparing notes with other first-time moms about night feedings, breastfeeding, exhaustion, and ironically being home alone with a newborn.
But by the time I had my son two years later, my sister and many other friends and cousins were home too, raising their babies. We kept sane and stayed connected daily through regular phone conversations, no texting, no messaging. We complained incessantly about teething, colicky babies, and cooking with a baby on our hips, and those were the best of the good old days!
The babies grew up a little bit and then started school, and along with that came the fave teachers, the missed homework assignments, back-to-school nights, after-school activities, and the bus rides. The start of middle school was daunting, wondering if our preteens would fit in, hoping they would be happy most of the time. High school was even scarier while still hoping our kids would be happy, have the right friends, get into the right colleges. There was so so much to worry about!
It seems that the high school graduates are off to college and or work all of a sudden. You pray again that they are safe, healthy and happy, and make good choices, especially who they choose as their significant other, hopefully, content in their relationships.