The Top 5 Pest-Fighting Plants to Save Your Summer

An outdoor patio with plants. Summer is here, and that means spending more time outside with your family. We have been anxiously awaiting this time, and then we are quickly reminded of the one main downfall of this season-BUGS!
Backyard pests can hinder your expectations of all the family fun you will have when your children spend the next several days itching and scratching their bug bites! Flies and mosquitoes are a natural part of our environment, and no matter what we do, we can’t fully avoid them, but we can naturally equip our outdoor areas to keep them clear from these little pests!

This summer, take your backyard back and enjoy your time outside. Your family and pets will thank you! Here are my five pest-fighting plants that will save you this summer.

1. Lavender

Lavender is one of my favorite plants. Lavender has many healing and health benefits and naturally repels bugs. It is a great plant for beginners and is drought resistant. It is adaptable to different climate conditions and does well in the sun. Lavender will naturally repel fleas, moths, mosquitoes, and flies. Lavender is gorgeous and, when planted, creates a beautiful butterfly garden in your backyard! Don’t forget to dry some lavender and keep it in your bedroom as a natural sleep aid!

2. Peppermint

Peppermint is toxic to mosquito larvae and will prevent them from breeding. Peppermint is also used to keep spiders away. It can be planted in areas that receive shade and can greatly add to your garden. It pairs well with broccoli, kale, and cabbage. Peppermint smells simply amazing, and you can pick some fresh peppermint to use in tea or as a digestive aid. 

3. Citronella

Citronella is used in many bug sprays and is that smell that engulfs our senses when we light our outdoor candles. Planting citronella is a great way to keep flies and mosquitos away from your property. It is a low-maintenance plant that works wonders as a pest repellant. 

4. Lemongrass

Lemongrass repels flies and kills mosquito larvae. It smells AMAZING. It does require full sunlight, so make sure it is planted in an area where it can thrive. Lemongrass is cautioned around pregnant women and new moms, so be mindful and research if you fall into this category. 

5. Chrysanthemums

These beautiful flowers are a great addition to your vegetable garden and outdoor areas. They will prevent ants, silverfish lice, fleas, spider mites, and more! Chrysanthemums are often used in insect repellants for people and shampoos for dogs.

I hope this list excites you to plant these pest-fighting beauties around your home this summer!

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