Motherhood Is Like Stained Glass: Complicated Yet Beautiful: Meet Joanna


Joanna and her family.One of my favorite quotes I found years ago is about how life changes after having children.

They’ll shatter the life you knew into a million pieces. Then, they’ll put it back together, like a stained-glass window, into something infinitely more complicated and beautiful.

Hello! My name is Joanna, and I look forward to embarking on this journey as a Westchester County Mom contributor. I was born and raised in Mt. Kisco in a large Italian family. My heritage is at the core of everything I do. It has made me passionate about my relationships, family, food, and faith.

My husband, Michael, and I went to high school together but didn’t know each other. We crossed paths again in college, and the rest is history. We have remained in the Mt. Kisco area where we raise our family. Sophia, 11, was born on a spring day in April, and Luca, 7, was born on a summer day in June. We added to our family a couple of years ago with a golden retriever named Lorenzo, Renzi for short. He is my soulmate.A golden retriever.

Writing has always been a constant in my life. I attended Pace University as an undergraduate and received my degree in communications and business. I then went on to receive my master’s degree in publishing. I originally wanted to write for a magazine, and then I wanted to be on television, and then I wanted to write books. I settled for freelance writing, combining my other passions of food and fitness.

After I had my children, my career naturally took a back seat. So, while at home raising them, I decided that I wanted to study nutrition a bit more, so I took an online course and became a certified health coach. After that, I decided I wanted to get into real estate, so I took an online course and got my license a few years ago. Regarding my interests and career options, I am self admittedly all over the place!

I would describe myself as a SAHM trying to find herself again. I turned 40 in October and decided to do more of what makes me happy because life is short and long. To me, being happy means taking care of yourself. I believe in the saying, “You must put your own oxygen mask on before attempting to help those around you.”

I love that the warm weather is upon us. One of my favorite things to do is sit on my deck with a great glass of wine in hand, music in the background, a view of the horse farm behind my house, and watch my children and dog play in the yard. Nothing better than the simple pleasures in life.

I look forward to sharing parts of my life, thoughts, interests, and inspirations with you. Teaching and learning through writing is an ultimate passion of mine. Thank you for joining me on this journey.