Hang in there mama, you are enough.
Some days the exhaustion and anxiety of not being enough just seem to envelop one’s soul.
But hang in there mama, you are enough.
Legos may cover every inch of the floor from the previous temper tantrum, but the floors will be spotless one day.
So, hang in there mama, you are doing enough.
Your dreams are staring you right in the face each day, whether it’s a little face covered in sweet sticky maple syrup from the pancake breakfast you had time to somehow make amongst the chaos or the face of a sick child covered in snot from the cold that appeared overnight.
This is your dream, the dream you prayed for and caused you to lay awake deep into the wee hours of the night, wondering, worrying, and feeling anxious. Now often, this beautiful dream of caring for another human is the cause of utter exhaustion and guilt so fierce that you wonder if you are doing enough.
But hang in there mama, you are enough.
One day, not too far down the road, the face once covered in snot knows how to use a tissue and blow their own nose, and you will miss the times chasing them around the house to wipe that one booger. It may seem daunting right now as if you are just a nose wiper every day.
But know that even on the simplest of days, you are more than enough.
The lessons taught while snuggled up on the couch reading under a cozy blanket, the silly times laughing on the swings on a spring day, added at times with the most challenging days of tantrums and timeouts pull together to create this beautiful package of love and abundance that you have managed to call your own.
So, hang in there mama; you are enough whether it’s a day that will go down in the record books for being spot on or a day you want to forget. You are more than enough. Please don’t be so hard on yourself.
Your love alone resonates with every part of this being, looking up to you for guidance or a hand to hold. You are shining your light and love each day on this incredible creation. Our bad days often seem like complete failures to us, but those innocent eyes staring back at us don’t see failure; they feel pure love.
The little hand that reaches out to hold you isn’t judging you that lunch wasn’t a gourmet meal looking like it came from Pinterest but rather a cream cheese and jelly sandwich.
Those chubby arms wrapped around your neck don’t care that dishes were left in the sink or laundry in the dryer waiting to be folded. You see, this little bundle of joy only knows that bath time with extra bubbles, lots of giggles, and singing lasted a bit longer today.
Maybe ordering pizza for the second time this week wasn’t an epic fail but instead allowed extra time outside, as the sun was setting, to master the art of bike riding without training wheels finally. The excitement of letting go of four wheels to two wheels taking over and filling both of you with happiness while finding the balance of letting go.
Hang in there mama. You will always be enough; pizza twice in one week probably wins you some points on the mom scale.