drive by

Driving Delights

I still remember the first time I drove by the Starbucks in Dobbs Ferry and almost crashed my car in excitement. I thought I was dreaming when I saw the lit up “Drive Thru” sign. I quickly veered my...
tax refund

Why is My Tax Refund So Low?

Now that tax season is here, many people are preparing their taxes or meeting with their accountant to have their taxes done. Once all is said and done, many people are experiencing shock due to lower than expected refunds...
Picture this…I intended on taking a quick trip to the grocery store to pick up more milk (I know, I should never have let it get that low). I'm on my way to the grocery store, which is literally...
Household chores in the time of COVID-19 never seem to end. We are now many weeks into social distancing and isolation at home due to COVID-19, and as a mom to three very active young children, I'm taking it...

Have You Tried Homegating?

My girls know that Sundays are football days. Our Sundays typically involve grocery shopping, cleaning and laundry, cooking, and, of course, watching football, often with good friends by our side. However, now with COVID, our Sundays look a little...
Appreciation is defined as the recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something. It’s one of those words that we tend to use daily. “Thank you so much! I appreciate it!” or “I appreciate everything you’re...
Going back to work full-time or even part-time as a current stay-at-home-mom can be a daunting and challenging feat. Let’s be honest, on top of taking care of the children and the household, the last thing we want to...
Toddlers are completely uninhibited when it comes to art. They have yet to reach the self-conscious level of 'my tree doesn't look like a tree,' and therefore, it is an amazing time for them to explore creatively. Not only...
I’ve officially started to track and ration our food. Much of this is self-inflicted, given that I will only shop at Mrs. Green’s, whose parking lot has about 15 spots and where only 3 registers are going on the busiest...
Some of us dread grocery shopping, and some of us love it! As with many responsibilities of "adulting," it doesn’t really matter whether you want to do it or not, because it must be done! That being said, it doesn’t...

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In + Around Westchester

A Mom’s Guide To Westchester Events :: May 2024

Happy Mother's Day. We all know that moms deserve to be celebrated every day. This month, choose some fun events around Westchester County for...