Some of us dread grocery shopping, and some of us love it!
As with many responsibilities of “adulting,” it doesn’t really matter whether you want to do it or not, because it must be done! That being said, it doesn’t need to be as dreadful as it may seem! If you are the mama who can’t stand navigating through the crowd or the long lines, there are definitely ways to avoid them. If you are the mama who is busy ripping and running all day long and would rather spend every second of quality time you can with your family, well, guess what? There are options for you too!
Now let’s get tech-savvy! Did you know that most grocery stores have apps that you can download onto your phone? Well, they do, and let me tell you that your coupon cutting days are over!
From your local Stop & Shop to your wholesale club like BJ’s, coupons are now available digitally. You click on the coupons you want, and they are automatically linked to your store card! Now you may be thinking, wow, that is amazing! Or you could be thinking, what’s so great about that? I cannot tell you how many times I get to the checkout line and watch my bill drop by $30-$50! I literally scroll through the coupons in advance and save anything that my family may be interested in. Sometimes they are items that are not necessarily on my grocery list or even a thought to buy. Then as I am shopping, I notice that some of those items are already on sale, and the coupons that I have clipped are additional discounts!
Many days I don’t even realize that I doubled up on savings until I sit down and look at my receipt in awe. Who knew that those coupons I “clipped” and never even thought I would use would actually come in handy! There are even coupons like $10 off your next $120 purchase, which is applied before all of the store card savings are even taken off. Stop & Shop even has “Free Day’s” where you load a coupon for the designated item, and you literally get it for free! If you are still not impressed, many apps even offer a dollar amount off of your next purchase just for downloading the app!
Now let me tell you why I truly love these apps so much. I know that I am not the only mama whose grocery list pops into her mind during the wee hours of the night. On any given evening, when my mind is out wandering, I can open the app and browse through the current circular; sometimes, you can even get a sneak peek at the upcoming week. Most apps allow you to click on the items you like, and they will generate a grocery list for you.
Now we are talking about something more valuable than saving a couple of extra bucks. We are actually saving time, and as we all know, every second of the day counts!
How lucky are we to live in an era where we have access to everything right at our fingertips? As I mentioned earlier, no matter what your issue is with the grocery store, there is a work-around in place. Back to my mamas who don’t care for navigating through the crowds. I’m sure we could all do without the pressure of avoiding shopping cart collisions and aimlessly wandering up and down each aisle even though you have a well-thought-out grocery list in hand. So here’s the thing, you totally don’t even have to be bothered with actually coming into the grocery store if you don’t want to!
We now have the luxury of kicking online shopping up a notch and having our groceries delivered straight to our homes!
Many stores can have your delivery ready within two days. Some Wholesale stores even offer same-day delivery at no additional charge!
Or, if you are looking to save some time by doing the bulk of your shopping online but do not want to wait around for the delivery, you can also order your groceries and checkout with same-day pickup.
Technology can be a pretty intimidating thing for many of us. However, the reality is that in this day and age, almost everything that we do has a technological component. Who could ever imagine having groceries being delivered to their home or clipping digital coupons? I know that I never did!