About 75% of divorced adults remarry or cohabit with new partners. Despite that statistic, deciding when and how to introduce your new partner is something that can’t be taken lightly. The fear that surrounds this introduction is - I...
I've been working in Corporate America for a little over 26 years. And as 16 of those were in Human Resources, you can safely assume that I've been afforded quite the opportunity to observe the best and worst of human interactions. Which is...
Aside from the holiday season, June is the busiest month of the year for most of us. And by us, I really mean the moms. We are the ones either planning an event, or preparing to attend someone else's. This year especially,...
This is Part Two of my book recommendation post. Last month I chose a few books for young readers that explained some tough situations. This month, I’ve found a few titles aimed at helping kids to be the best...
As a single mom raised by a single mom, I’ve learned a lot about what not to do when co-parenting. So, I’ve waited a long time to write this post out of fear. Fear that it would disrupt a...
Shower? Check. Clothes that aren’t meant for working out? Check. Babysitter? Check. “Where do you want to go?” “I don’t care. Where do you want to go?” Sound familiar? We feel pretty lucky to live in Westchester County, where...
  Life is filled with all kinds of experiences. Most of us are fortunate that the bulk of those experiences are positive, if not altogether wonderful. But life wouldn’t be life if tough times didn’t exist at all. Illness, moving,...
When I was younger I never understood why my parents didn't go out on Friday nights. I mean they didn't have to work the next day and there was no need to wake up early. My mother would say that it had been a...
Being a mom is the most tiring pursuit I’ve ever encountered. Second to mothering? Dating. Both, though, are worthwhile and deliver a huge payoff. So, if you’re a single mom and dating is currently at the bottom of your...
Am I Really a Good Mom? I’m sure each of us, at some point, has asked that question. And honestly, if you have, you most likely are. I remember something my religious education teacher said when I was in elementary...

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In + Around Westchester

A Guide to Daycares, Preschools, Private Schools, & Tutoring Services in...

Education might be the most valuable thing we can provide for our children. With so many options out there, it’s hard to know what...