When our children are healthy, it may be far from our minds that they may be at risk for heart and other nutrition-related diseases one day. We want our kids to live long and healthy lives, and the best...
I am honored to be a part of this blog as a resource for mothers in Westchester County. I want to start by introducing myself as a psychotherapist with a private practice in White Plains. I am also a...
I am very interested in sharing my Italian culture and how to lead a healthy lifestyle based on its principles. I decided to get a nutrition certification to further my knowledge about health. The foundation of this form of...
We have all heard the “new year, new me” dialogue as people wrap up the end of a year and transition to the start of a new one. January isn’t always the most inspiring of months — probably because...
man cold

The Man Cold

The sneezing. The coughing. The moans and groans. The man cold has entered our home, and my husband can’t leave our bed since he is too weak and tired. He is completely down for the count. I walk into our...
You're a mom, and therefore a caregiver. Me too. I have three children. Three adventurous children. Sometimes, adventurous children get hurt. Or need hospitalization. My middle child, my son, is particularly adept at personal injury. One time our health...

Saying Goodbye to 2020

I am sure many are excited to say their goodbyes to 2020 in a heartbeat. By reflecting on this year, there was a lot of bad, but there was also a lot of good. 2020 was… A year of slowing down....
What’s a mom to do besides go crazy with little bundles of energy on a bad weather day? Why not try one of the Westchester hot spots that are sure to be fun for the kids. And even better...
Women walking for exercise.

The Power of Walking

At the start of the New Year, most people seek ways to get healthier. There are a lot of fad diets marketed, as well as quick-fix workouts. But walking is one tried and true way to improve your health, clear...
Here we go. The "New Year, New You" rubbish has begun. I don't know about you, but I like myself. I'm not perfect, but I'm a pretty cool chick. If you don't believe me, ask my mom. She'll tell...

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In + Around Westchester

A Guide to Beauty & Pampering in Westchester County

Moms do it all, which often leaves us feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. Carving out me-time seems impossible, but we not only deserve it but...