I need to buy more bread. But here’s the catch…there is only one brand we can eat. Why? My family is managing food allergies, and there is only one brand of bread carried by nearby stores that my child...
Be a rebel and work on yourself before the bell tolls.  A lot of us wait until the midnight bell tolls when everything looks bright, shiny, and new to begin the task of completely flipping our lives around. For many of...
If you're like me, you are in a constant state of rushing. Rushing your kids to and from school, activities, and back home, with meals, baths/showers, and homework somewhere in between. Living in the present moment is challenging during all...
We have all heard the “new year, new me” dialogue as people wrap up the end of a year and transition to the start of a new one. January isn’t always the most inspiring of months — probably because...
Recently I sat watching a Disney film for the millionth time with my daughters and noticed my little one scratching a lot. "Dry scalp," I thought. More scratching. "Man, she needs a shower." More scratching. Little did I know that...
For my daughter's 2nd Birthday Party, we went for a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme and had an amazing time. I love throwing birthday parties for my kids. It's fun to find a theme and get crafty. I never really have...
The Parent Collective (TPC) offers a new style of judgment-free prenatal and parenting classes, where evidence-based information is delivered in an open discussion format, designed to provide guidance and establish connections among couples living in close proximity and due...
Content Warning: This article discusses a detailed account of anaphylaxis. Disclaimer: This article does not constitute medical advice. Always consult your doctor about food allergies or other medical concerns. My child has food allergies. What comes to mind when I say...
You can turn the tide. Equipping yourself with the right tools is 95% of getting the job done right. When you have the right tools at your disposal, it limits room for error and allows you to work more efficiently. Having...
A woman walking her dog.

A Guide to Self-Care

Self-care. How do you define it? Self-care can mean something different to everyone. For one person, it might mean getting a massage, for another, it's a glass of wine and a good Netflix series; and for some, it might...

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In + Around Westchester

A Guide to Beauty & Pampering in Westchester County

Moms do it all, which often leaves us feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. Carving out me-time seems impossible, but we not only deserve it but...