sleep training

To Sleep Train or Not?

My baby is 10.5 weeks old, which is crazy to think, considering I feel like I just had her.  She is a pretty lax baby, mainly crying when she is hungry or tired, and otherwise very happy. She makes...
I don't know about you, but when I hear my kids fighting, the sound is as blood-curdling as fingernails on a blackboard! I just want to shut it down as fast as I can. My knee-jerk reaction is to...
First, let's start with this fact: I've taught in an elementary school for over a decade. In my classroom, reading is encouraged, supported, and abundant. Teaching a kid to love to read will eventually lead to a kid who...
When my children were younger I was on many "lists" to receive emails about local happenings, which were quite helpful in finding activities to keep our family busy. As my kids have reached the tween and teen ages, it has...
only this summer

Only This Summer

There is nothing quite as magical as a childhood summer. Only this summer I will wish the long days would shorten and bedtimes would come earlier, but I try to remind myself that this is a summer of firsts...
As a parent, you like to enrich your child’s life as much as possible. Aside from education, we like to include activities where our children can “let loose” and have some fun. Less structure, so to speak. These activities...
A girl hiding behind her hands.

In Her Own Time

My daughter tends to use me as a human shield between her and other people when interacting with adults. She’ll stand plastered to me, arm rigidly locked around mine, her face half-hidden behind my sleeve as she tries smilingly...
A sassy girl with her arms crossed.

Princess to Posh

Sugar and spice and everything nice, that’s what little girls are made of - until they’re not. It happens to the best of us like someone flicks a switch and our little girls go from cute and sweet to...
My son is a freshman away at college. A few days before moving him to school, I started having trouble falling asleep at night. My mind raced with things to include on his college packing list. I made additions...

Call Me By My Name

Ch-ch-ch-changes I have experienced countless changes since becoming someone’s mother a little over a year ago: Moving from an apartment in New York City with a super to a house in northern Westchester where I am very much the super....

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In + Around Westchester

A Mom’s Guide To Westchester Events :: May 2024

Happy Mother's Day. We all know that moms deserve to be celebrated every day. This month, choose some fun events around Westchester County for...