Only This Summer


A baby boy sitting on the beach next to his sand toys.There is nothing quite as magical as a childhood summer. Only this summer I will wish the long days would shorten and bedtimes would come earlier, but I try to remind myself that this is a summer of firsts for my little ones.

 The first time she takes those special “ Doggie paddle” strokes all on her own.

The first time my toddler walks across a beach all alone.

The first time they see fireflies light up our backyard.

The first time she peddles her tricycle, “Mom, it wasn’t hard!”

The first popsicle of the summer enjoyed with neighbors on our porch.

The first time on a water slide and the first kite flew.

The first bruise from a slip n’ slide and the first sailboat ride.

The first time fishing with their dad, the first outdoor movie in the park.

The first time having play dates way after dark.

I try to soak these moments in. I know they pass too fast. All the firsts will also bring a summer of lasts.  

The last time I see a suntan with creases of white winter skin inside the baby rolls.

The last time I kiss boo-boos off stubbed baby toes.

Someday, they will go to camp, and someday, they will “ hang out with their friends.” I think I will enjoy my babies before this summer ends.