Some of us dread grocery shopping, and some of us love it! As with many responsibilities of "adulting," it doesn’t really matter whether you want to do it or not, because it must be done! That being said, it doesn’t...
Dear Mom Who Feels She's Never Enough, Please know you’re not alone. You probably didn’t even see it coming because it’s in the small details. We run largely on auto-pilot. We have to. We couldn’t function in our modern world...
If you can't beat them, join them or so the old saying goes. That's never really been my philosophy. No, mine's pretty much always been just leave them alone. See, I'm not an inherently competitive person. I'm more of the...
My kids and I depart for Australia soon. The kids are meeting their grandfather for the first time. It’s their first international flight and an eternal one at that. There are also undeniably awesome and exotic things like kangaroos...
In today's tangled web of information from Maria Kondo, The Minimalists, and the like, it's tough finding simple tips on resetting your living space with kids. Here are five manageable topics to tackle as summer winds down and the...
In the world of travel sports you often get exposed to more than you bargain for - the schedules, the money, the tryouts, the late nights, and of course, the travel (as duly noted right there in the name...
Boredom is part of life. In my experience, boredom is a major catalyst for creativity and ingenuity in small children. We’ve all had those Christmas mornings or birthdays when our kids tear through a mountain of gifts only to...
I have been many things in life, but most recently I am a mother to a vivacious three-year-old boy and a loud barking rescue dog. I am a wife of seven years. I am a stay-at-home mother but also...
mom guilt

Is It Bedtime Yet?

Is it bedtime yet?! Have you ever had one of those days where you have asked yourself this (more than once), and you are counting down the seconds until bedtime? I know I do! I even have the nights...
Moms always mean well (duh!), but sometimes, even with the best intentions in the world, we end up enabling some bad habits. Sound familiar? As a first-time mom, I was guilty of excessive pacifier use, running into my infant son's...

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In + Around Westchester

A Mom’s Guide To Westchester Events :: May 2024

Happy Mother's Day. We all know that moms deserve to be celebrated every day. This month, choose some fun events around Westchester County for...