Wear the Swimsuit

A woman confidently wearing a swim suit. As summer quickly approaches, odds are you’ll spend more and more time at the pool, beach, waterpark, etc. Anywhere you can go to have fun and cool off.

And so, if you have not heard this or need to hear it again (and again) – wear the swimsuit!

You may be thinking, but I don’t love how my (insert body part) looks in a swimsuit. This isn’t age-appropriate, so people will stare and talk about me, etc. No, no, and no. Honestly, none of this is actually true, and the sooner you learn this, the happier and more carefree you’ll be. We all want the same thing – to enjoy our summers with our kids. We shouldn’t have to worry about negative self-talk and not have fun doing the things we love.

Listen, we all get self-conscious – it’s part of human nature. But I have to tell you that you are the only person judging your swim attire. I promise. It took me a while to realize this myself, but looking around at our community pool with parents, kids, and friends having fun and socializing, I finally understood. No one here is looking at or judging me for wearing my swimsuit. And look, if they secretly are – who cares? What you don’t know won’t hurt you.

As moms, we deserve to have self-confidence and wear what we want with a sense of pride.

It might be cliche, but when you feel good and confident, you project that into the world. And especially for moms of daughters, this is one of the most important things to show her and lead by example.

I saw a meme recently that said something like, “How to dress for your shape…wear whatever you want.” And it’s true. We need to feel confident and proud in what we wear. If you want to rock a bikini, do it. Prefer a long cover-up, that’s awesome.

The point is, don’t let others perceived opinions of you dictate what you’re going to wear. Do what makes you feel your best, and I promise you’ll have a summer to remember.