They say motherhood is the hardest job you’ll ever do. Our life instantly changes from the very first moment we bring our children into the world. We are the apple of our little ones’ eye and vice versa.
However, babies don’t come with instruction manuals, which make every day a learning experience full of surprises (good and bad).
Like anything else, things get more difficult as time goes on. Having a new baby in the house is like Christmas every day. We can’t wait to wake up, see our newborn, and bask in the joy that being a first-time mom brings.
The amount of responsibility can be overwhelming, but in the best way. We are unbothered by night feedings because, let’s face it, we’re not getting much sleep anyway due to that “new mom” excitement.
Mornings begin with us jumping out of bed, anticipating being with our little ones as we feed and snuggle with them. Diaper changes, spit-ups, and the mystery cry that we eventually identify through the process of elimination (hunger, gas, or plain old irritability) only add to our contentment. We think, “I’ve found my purpose,” and even ponder about having more children sooner than later as we settle into our new routine.
As time goes on, things become easier – until they don’t.
Reality quickly sets in when 3:00 a.m. feedings become a nightly thing, and poop explosions occur at the most inconvenient times, like right before leaving the house. It is undoubtedly clear that caring for a baby entails more than cute onesies and top-of-the-line baby food processors.
We awaken to the fact that only five out of the 50 bottles we bought will suffice, “Diaper Genie” is just a fancy name for scented mini waste baskets, and 15 receiving blankets serve no other purpose than taking up space on a shelf in the closet; and the list goes on.
We’ve all been there – spending a ridiculous amount of time searching for the perfect stroller and stocking up on adorable little hats that will only get one or two wears at max. You reluctantly conclude that you will most likely never use half of the trending gadgets on your shopping list. Preparing for the arrival of a new baby kicks off the start of sleepless nights that result in dosing off while showering and pouring orange juice instead of milk into your baby’s bottle.
As an exhausted mom, the days blend together as we go through the motions of mastering motherhood, all while trying to preserve it simultaneously.
Every new mom will agree that it is far from easy, but the journey is incomparable to anything else. The time goes so fast that it feels like a whirlwind, but spending the rest of your life with the beautiful little human you created is worth all the exhaustion in the world.