How many social media accounts do you have? On most days I log into eight to ten different social media accounts for personal and business use on various platforms - Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook. Some of these...
"Back to School" is popping up everywhere! I'm not sure the kids are feeling it just yet, but it is in full force for us parents! Emails from school administration, school supplies are front and center in stores, fall clothing ads are filling...
Last night, as I was lying in bed trying to fall asleep, I started looking around my bedroom and realized that this room is the focal point of our home. Many families congregate in the kitchen. For us, it’s...
I’ve only been a mother for five years. That’s less than fifteen percent of my life, and yet when someone asks me to define myself (I’m a teacher--we do lots of identity processing), the first thing I will list...
I want to be listened to and not talked at in a conversation. In the face of modern communication brought to us at hyper-speed and condensed thought, we now have quick bits of information coming at us on overdrive. It...
Let’s face it, as moms, we are under a tremendous amount of pressure raising our little ones in the hopes they will be happy, healthy, and well adjusted. Some of us are stay-at-home moms (been there), while others are...
The new year always makes me reflect on how to be a better person. Raising two daughters is not easy, but extremely rewarding, and they do things every day that amaze me. "She's getting so big," I think to...
mom friends

Mom Friends 101

Feeling a sense of real emotional connections with other women has been crucial to my adult survival as a mom, wife, and woman trying to live my best life. I have always entered friendships with little expectations, and when...
February is the month of love, and this year it will also mark my 20th wedding anniversary. This prompted me to share my not-so-ordinary love story with the world. Twenty years ago, I married the man of my dreams; however,...
I give single parents the ultimate respect. It is the hardest job I've ever had, and one that, unless you're in it, you can't fully understand. And if I'm totally honest here, even writing about it is still hard...

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In + Around Westchester

A Guide to Beauty & Pampering in Westchester County

Moms do it all, which often leaves us feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. Carving out me-time seems impossible, but we not only deserve it but...