Hi Girl, In a year with so much angst and turmoil, one positive thing was wrapping up the year with a milestone birthday for you! You turned 13! Three years ago, when your brother turned 13, I wrote him a...
This year held so much promise for celebrations across the globe – weddings, graduations, milestone birthdays, new births, etc. Then COVID-19 came along, and everything ground to a halt. Even as many regions, including Westchester County, have successfully flattened...
When I entered college, I had a pretty good idea of what I wanted to do. Yes, at a ripe old age of 18, I had 'direction'! Truthfully, as a child of my immigrant parents, you had to have...
Are the teenage years the best? Ideally, they should be, but a teenager faces so many changes, physically, mentally, and emotionally that if the parents of a teen are not in tune with them, their best years may actually be...
Summertime. Long days, the sprinkler, ice cream, BBQs, and endless hours outside with the kids. So when you think of summertime, I would say most of us don’t associate it with sleep! And with those additional hours of daylight...
potty training

Ditching the Diapers

When my daughter was around 18 months old, she started showing an interest in peeing on the potty.  I decided to buy her one of those cute infant toilets that resembled a big kid toilet, which had a flushing...
The sun is shining, the flowers are in full bloom, and we are all struggling to figure out the next best thing to keep these kids busy! Where there is a will there is a way mamas! Social distancing...
What does it mean to live in your home? Is it just the floor, the walls, the roof? And when you leave,  does it mean that your home is gone? What do you leave behind?  We decided to sell our...
That title contains two things that sound like polar-opposites; meditation and toddlers. One is centering, calm, and often quiet. The other is loud, messy, and could be described as a Tasmanian devil. I’ll let you guess which of those...
The pacifier. The paci. The binky. The soother. The nuby. The wubbanub. Whatever your family calls it, it is the baby item that causes many parents stress when or if the time comes to wean. My family happens to call...

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In + Around Westchester

A Mom’s Guide To Westchester Events :: May 2024

Happy Mother's Day. We all know that moms deserve to be celebrated every day. This month, choose some fun events around Westchester County for...