A baby eating broccoli.

10 Tips for Baby-Led Weaning

Baby-Led Weaning (or BLW) is something we loved and had great success with. It makes life a lot easier because you're not making different meals for your baby; they can eat whatever the family is eating or even eat...
With the end of the year just around the corner, Chappaqua Performing Arts Center (ChappPAC) is gearing up for a new season of musical theatre educational programming in 2019 with a trio of free children’s workshops. Led by experienced...
parenting preteen

Parenting a Preteen

Naturally, since my daughter was a toddler, I have dreaded the idea of her becoming a teenager. Not for sentimental reasons like missing that new baby smell or seeing her little face light up when mama walks in the...
Hi Girl, In a year with so much angst and turmoil, one positive thing was wrapping up the year with a milestone birthday for you! You turned 13! Three years ago, when your brother turned 13, I wrote him a...

Fall Traditions for the Family

As the humidity of summer is finally starting to break, I start to get excited for fall and the traditions that we have created as a family. The kids are back to school and getting into a routine, the...
May is National Water Safety Awareness Month. Water safety is a topic that impacts all families. Every adult who supervises children needs to know basic information on how to keep kids safer in and around water. When it comes...
Recently I was asked a question I seem to get at least once every Spring. It starts with some form of, "You're a teacher right?" When I acknowledge that indeed I am an elementary school teacher I get the...
It seems like there is a day to celebrate everything these days, from National Talk Like a Pirate Day (September 19) to National Single Parent Day (March 21). Some of these days seem a little more bizarre than others...
My son and my husband walked a few feet in front of me. As I watched my son walk, ironically, I stopped in my tracks. We are on a college campus...for him.  My son is a junior in high school....
During my childhood, school was a safe haven. It was easy, and I knew exactly what to do to succeed. No surprise then that at 21, I became a teacher myself. What was a surprise, and remains one, is...

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In + Around Westchester

A Guide to Beauty & Pampering in Westchester County

Moms do it all, which often leaves us feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. Carving out me-time seems impossible, but we not only deserve it but...