In today’s society, experts tell us what’s best for us as individuals and as families. Although the experts have a wealth of knowledge, one group is often forgotten or brushed off. I
t’s you, mama! You are the most qualified expert of your kids.
You knew how to differentiate between your infant’s hungry and sleepy cries. Only you know what your toddler is saying; to everyone else, it sounds like gibberish. You know everything about your child – their interests, fears, and dislikes.
Sometimes, you know when something isn’t right. You can’t exactly put your finger on it, but you know something is off. There is nothing stronger than a mother’s intuition. We can’t lose that innate knowing—that sixth sense we developed the moment we became mothers.
The first time I used my mama gut, it saved my daughter’s life. My daughter has a rare genetic condition, but we didn’t know this when she was first born. One summer evening, a few weeks after she turned six months old, I noticed she was flailing her arms upwards, and her legs would bend at the same time, rhythmically. While this was happening, her eyes also darted upward. I immediately knew it was a seizure.
I took a video and sent it to her pediatrician, who I adore and respect. The pediatrician said it did look concerning but to not worry and set up an outpatient neurology appointment. That did not sit well with me. My husband and I immediately took her to the ER, where we found out she was having a type of seizure called infantile spasms (IS), which is a medical emergency.
I don’t blame the pediatrician at all. IS is not common and isn’t seen in everyday practice. Thankfully, my daughter was treated quickly, and the spasms stopped. Although this was an extremely stressful and scary time, it made me even more confident as a mom and trust my intuition even more.