Digital Spring Clean Up

As we’re thawing out here in Westchester, Spring is just around the corner! Time to roll up your sleeves and start your Spring clean up! Don’t forget to clean up your digital life, too! In fact, it’s a lot...
It is hard to believe that November is underway and the holidays are right around the corner. Before we know it, 2019 (and tax season) will be here. However, before we let the holidays come and go, it is...
At one point or another every mom has thought about their fitness goals. Whether it be to lose a few pounds, increase our stamina for chasing children around, or build some muscles to help ease the pain of pushing...
My daughter’s first 8 years involved a constant string of stomach aches. Doctors weren’t concerned, and every time one hit, we told her it’s part of being a kid, and went about our day. As she slowed in the growth chart...
Age is only a number, right? Well, for my four-year-old, numbers are everything. Literally. Everything. To say he likes numbers is an understatement. Obsessed is more like it. And for this right-brained mama, keeping a left-brained child entertained is...
Spring is in the air, and it’s time to start considering how you can prepare your home for the coming of this new season. Spring is symbolic of new beginnings, and we should kick off this exciting time by...
Do you know how to tell how long someone has been teaching? Look in their cabinet and see how many mugs they have. I get at least one every year. As a teacher, I always appreciate the well-intentioned thought...
  Life is filled with all kinds of experiences. Most of us are fortunate that the bulk of those experiences are positive, if not altogether wonderful. But life wouldn’t be life if tough times didn’t exist at all. Illness, moving,...
As a child, I distinctly remember a black pin that my dad owned, with this saying on it: “Kick Back. Chill Out. Hang Loose. Have Fun.” My dad wore this silly pin all the time and we always laughed...
Some of us dread grocery shopping, and some of us love it! As with many responsibilities of "adulting," it doesn’t really matter whether you want to do it or not, because it must be done! That being said, it doesn’t...

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In + Around Westchester

A Guide to Beauty & Pampering in Westchester County

Moms do it all, which often leaves us feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. Carving out me-time seems impossible, but we not only deserve it but...