An unfortunate yet common experience many women have as we lead our lives or accomplish certain goals is dealing with women who, instead of supporting us, act petty or compete with us. Some women behave this way for many...
I am most grateful for my tribe of mom friends.
These women of the “It takes a village” live and breathe the mantra down to their very cells. Mom friends know what it’s like. They have mommy instincts and...
What we present online isn’t always as it seems. Those friends of yours who appear to have the perfect body, marriage, children, job, and lifestyle most likely do not. Realize that you are only getting half of the story...
I was a younger mom. I got pregnant at 24 and gave birth less than a week after my 25th birthday. My son was a beautiful surprise but not part of my meticulously planned 20s. I was overjoyed when...
Domestic violence (DV) can look like bruises, broken body parts, or broken things. But it can also look like preventing access to finances, cruel and embarrassing words, and lies that cause psychological harm.
DV, also known as relationship abuse or...
It’s an interesting thing, this motherhood.
You’re always busy, but it still feels like nothing gets done. You’re trying so hard, but still always feel like you’re falling short. You’re constantly cleaning, but your house is always a mess. There...
There is an ease and comfort in exes. That is why, on occasion, I have gone back to an ex. When the prospect of putting myself out there to meet someone new was too much to handle, but I...
I never thought I would type out those words together.... kid-free anniversary vacation. With three kids and two dogs, I didn't think my husband and I would get to go on a trip just for ourselves, let alone a...
As a teacher, grit is a word I have heard far too often. It is something I am supposed to foster in my students. Simply put, it is a desire to get up and try again after being knocked...
Dear future daughter-in-law,
Let me start by acknowledging that this is a very heteronormative endeavor. I have two sons, so let’s, for argument’s sake, imagine that one of them marries a woman–you. (If that doesn’t end up happening, then we...