I’ve been attentive to my health ever since I was seventeen years old after my father had emergency surgery to remove his right kidney and the orange-sized tumor living on it.
It was a reality check for all of us,...
A few months ago, I wrote an article about finding a supportive VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean) provider. Well, I GOT MY VBAC, and I am here to tell you how I could get one despite not having the...
When a celebrity gives birth, we are often bombarded with photos of the mother beaming the widest of smiles and lovingly gazing into the baby's eyes.
As someone who experienced a postpartum illness, or more accurately referenced as a Perinatal...
This month my daughter turns four years old and when I share my birth experience, friends always get surprised (I gave birth to two kids in the Netherlands). It is interesting when we share stories seeing them from different...
April is infertility awareness month. I always dreamed of being a mom, so I started getting really frustrated and sad when things didn't happen right away.
You see, I got married in 2009. We both wanted children, but we thought...
As I enter my last few weeks of pregnancy, I feel so many different emotions. Excitement to meet the newest addition to our family, but also a little bit of apprehension.
I have been a mom for the past 3+...
After having my first baby via c-section because she was breech, I switched provider practices to one I originally thought was more VBAC friendly. Unfortunately, as I was about to enter my third trimester, I realized that some red...
As I enter into the third trimester of my second pregnancy, I am starting to contemplate my birthing plan.
My first baby was breech; therefore, I had a c-section. At that time, during my third trimester, I tried moxibustion, a...
This post is not for the faint of heart. There will be no happy ending in this story. I will share information with you about something that happens so often but is spoken about so very rarely...loss of a...
The journey through pregnancy is full of exciting, joyful, nerve-wracking, tired, and unique moments. From the moment you see those two pink lines, you work hard to be a wonderful mom by getting prenatal care, researching baby gear, and...