The pacifier. The paci. The binky. The soother. The nuby. The wubbanub. Whatever your family calls it, it is the baby item that causes many parents stress when or if the time comes to wean. My family happens to call...
defense of older moms

In Defense of Older Moms

The other day a pregnant friend told me she’d been strong-armed by her ObGyn into submitting to an invasive genetic screening due to her “advanced maternal age.” She’s thirty-six. I’ll leave the rant about being bullied by physicians for...
Trigger Warning: Pet Loss There are so many beautiful gifts our fur babies give us, but I've heard it said the greatest one is an appreciation for how short our time here really is. Three weeks ago, we said goodbye...
Morning. The beginning of a new day, walking into the kitchen in your comfy robe and pouring your first cup of coffee. Enjoying the quiet, you take that first sip and gaze out the window as the sun rises....
A woman alone watching TV at night drinking wine and eating popcorn.

Bedtime Woes

I love being a mom, but I also love my “me” time if and when I get the opportunity. As moms, we cherish the time we spend with our kids because we know the day will come when we’re...
I watched a TED talk on YouTube recently (I love TED talks and YouTube). Dr. Rick Hanson reminded me of a very important lesson that can easily be forgotten in our often demanding days as parents. He asked, “What’s...
As much as I adore living in Westchester, I have realized that it’s entirely possible that I was meant to live in Manhattan instead of the northern suburbs of NYC for one primary reason - I’m not a fan...

LEGO Ninjago Event Days

Westchester County Moms Blog sponsor, LEGOLAND® Discovery Center Westchester, New York’s largest box of LEGO® bricks to play in, is celebrating the release of the all-new LEGO® NINJAGO®: Master of the 4th Dimension in the attraction’s cinema with four...
Westchester has always been my home, minus a brief stint in the Boston area for college and nearly a decade in Manhattan in my 20s. I grew up in Armonk and currently reside in Bedford Corners. Within minutes, I...
It’s always been the same for me, from my earliest memory as a child. I always detested waking up in the morning. I did my best to not engage in full conversations with anyone for at least an hour...

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In + Around Westchester

A Guide to Beauty & Pampering in Westchester County

Moms do it all, which often leaves us feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. Carving out me-time seems impossible, but we not only deserve it but...