A woman cheering on a computer.

Is It Just Me?

Is it just me, or do you feel happy and almost relieved knowing the little “odd” things you do are also done by so many others, or the feelings you have towards something are shared by so many? Is it...
My daughter received a calendar called "Every Day's a Holiday," featuring a special event for each day of the year for Christmas this year. I just glanced at it and saw that February 17th is Random Acts of Kindness...
It’s impossible to make it through February without seeing the color red or the image of hearts in every store window or browser background. Normally card-company holidays make my eyes roll a bit, but I’ve learned through two years...
A mom kissing her daughter's head.

I Think I’m Done

If you haven’t heard about the event where Boston area moms gathered in a school field to scream, I’m confident you’ve been living under a rock. My local parenting groups filled up with discussions about how much a good...
A mother reading to her baby.

Hang in There. You Got This!

When life is filled with ups and downs, hang in there. The blessings of motherhood are still hidden within the difficult days; you have to hold on tight. When the kids are exhausted after a long day of school and saved...
I am so frustrated with my current job search. As a stay-at-home mom in the job market, I’m worthless. The “gap” in my resume, the lack of actual “workplace” experience, and being 40 years old make me an undesirable...
I grew up in the same house from the age of 9 to 24. When I got married, I moved out. My kids visited my childhood house a couple of times before my parents decided to sell it and...
A woman on the couch reading.

You Are What You Read

You know the saying, “You’re like the five people you spend the most time with.” I like to think that applies to all kinds of influences - not just people, but situations, settings and the information you take in....
Moms are the ultimate decision-makers. From deciding on what to serve for dinner each night to planning fun family activities, we were doing it all. And then the pandemic hit, and we found ourselves making even more challenging decisions...
Why don’t I see what my friends see in me? A friend of mine once commented, “You are so patient.”  “Patient?” I laughed. “No, I’m not patient.”   But my friend saw patience.  She saw patience, as I felt a loss of control. She...

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In + Around Westchester

A Guide to Beauty & Pampering in Westchester County

Moms do it all, which often leaves us feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. Carving out me-time seems impossible, but we not only deserve it but...