An Open Letter To My “Kid-Free” Friends
Dearest Kid-Free Friend,
I’m sorry. We can’t be friends anymore. Not right now, anyway. I have to break up with you. Yes, I am talking to you, the one who went out to a bar...
Why I Sent Myself To Time-Out
As moms, we all love our kids, right? We would do anything for them and move mountains if we needed to. But let's be honest here. Sometimes those little buggers can drive us bonkers,...
Talking to Your Student about School: Getting the Conversation Rolling
We all get the dreaded "fine" response when the kiddos get home from school.
When you ask, "How was your day, sweetie?" you are not hoping for a quick grunt of approval, are you? Do...
Online Support Groups: Are They Worth The Click?
Once upon a time, before online support groups began, the craze started. You know what I'm talking put in any symptom you were suffering from, and within a couple of clicks, you...
Raising Reluctant Readers
First, let's start with this fact: I've taught in an elementary school for over a decade. In my classroom, reading is encouraged, supported, and abundant. Teaching a kid to love to read will eventually...
Just Say Yes! Our Family’s Adventures on a Yes Day
By now, you've surely heard of a "Yes Day." It's a trendy day where kids rule for 24 hours, and you, the parent, say yes to whatever they ask for. After reading some "Do...
The Worst Four Letter Word: LICE
Recently I sat watching a Disney film for the millionth time with my daughters and noticed my little one scratching a lot. "Dry scalp," I thought. More scratching. "Man, she needs a shower." More...
Back to School: Transition Tips From a Teacher
For teachers, parents, and students alike, those three words, back to school, can either be exciting or anxiety-producing. There's so much to do to get ready and such pressure to make the beginning of...
Whatever Happened to the Basement Party?
Let's put the simple back into birthday parties.
I remember homemade cakes, party bags filled with plastic toys, magicians, and screaming friends in basements. Birthday parties have always been filled with fun and joy for...
Kids’ Sports: Where Everyone Wins {Even if Your Team Loses}
Let me paint a little picture for you. It's a beautiful, unseasonably warm Saturday, and hundreds of girls are in brightly colored t-shirts, running up and down the fields. Moms and dads are in...