Joanna Galli

Joanna Galli
Joanna was born, raised, and still lives in Mount Kisco, NY with her family and Golden Retriever. She comes from a large Italian family, and it’s important to her to instill those old-school values and traditions into her life. Her main job and joy in life is being a SAH mom and dog mom, but she is also a Realtor®, has a nutrition and wellness certification, and loves to write. In 2011, she started a lifestyle brand called Healthy Italian. The brand highlights her Italian culture and how to live a healthy lifestyle based on its principles. She hopes to be a published author one day. When she can sneak in some time for herself, she prioritizes her health and wellness. Spending time with her family and friends over a glass of wine and good food is her favorite pastime. She truly believes the simple things in life feed the soul.  
mediterranean diet

Healthy Italian: An Intro to the Mediterranean Diet

I am very interested in sharing my Italian culture and how to lead a healthy lifestyle based on its principles. I decided to get a nutrition certification to further my knowledge about health. The...

What Motherhood Has Taught Me

What has motherhood taught me? Everything. Motherhood has a way of humbling you like nothing else. It reveals your strengths, but it also forces you to be honest about your weaknesses. You don't think...
Joanna and her family.

Motherhood Is Like Stained Glass: Complicated Yet Beautiful: Meet Joanna

One of my favorite quotes I found years ago is about how life changes after having children. They’ll shatter the life you knew into a million pieces. Then, they’ll put it back together, like a...