Dear Stay-at-Home Mom, Dear Working Mom: An Exchange of Words
I went to dinner at an old friend’s house not long ago. She’s the kind of friend I don’t get to see every day or even every month, but I’ve known for years and...
Finding My Worth: My Angry Journey as a Stay-at-Home Mom
He was only 22 months old when he quietly said it. And it was the second time it happened. The words were simple and slid easily out of his little mouth. "Sorry, Mommy." That...
Parenthood as Partnership: Taking One for the Team
It's 10 a.m. on a Saturday, and I have a two-year-old slung on my hip while my three-year-old and six-year-old each wrap themselves around a leg, the oldest waving dismissively. We're watching their daddy...
My Family’s Relationship with iPads is a Dirty Secret
Ok. I'll admit it without shame. I let my children use iPads. They each have their own. And they're three and five. And I'll go one step further. They've had them for years. Years....
The Emotional Stages of Vacationing Without Kids
I'll be the first to admit it. There haven't been a lot of opportunities for vacationing without kids since they've made their presence known in this world. And that's generally by choice. I want...
Awkward Mom Moments: Going to the Doctor
Now, I'm not ashamed to admit that I hate going to the doctor for myself. It's not fun to have a person's attention directed solely at me, where I discuss all the ins and...
Awkward Mom Moments: Setting Up a Play Date
I had heard the stories of the awkwardness of having children. But before I had children, those stories were really just tales of pregnancy and delivery. Moments when dignity was placed to the side...
Please Stop: Your Kind Advice Is Not Helping Me
I'm a mom. I get advice—a lot of it. There was a time when I was a first-time mom, and I solicited it quite often. I didn't care who they were. If they had...
Volunteering with Young Children in Westchester County
As unfortunate as it sounds, when my kindergartener volunteers to help me with small tasks like dusting the coffee table or cleaning the windows, I know not to get too excited. More likely than...
10 Ways I have Irrevocably Been Changed by Motherhood
I'm not going to bore you by going on and on about all the ways motherhood has changed me. You won't hear me erupt with emotions about having found a pure, true love, or...