Finally Accepting I’m Not That Mom
What was your vision of motherhood? You know, the idealized one, dreamed up in your head while you were pregnant? What parent were you absolutely going to be when you had kids?
Well, I'm definitely...
Family-Friendly Hikes Near Westchester :: The Catskills Part II
I’m back on the trail for Westchester County Mom! If you’re like me and enjoy a day trip for a family hike or vacation in the Catskills, this is for you.
If you haven’t checked...
I Lost…But I Still Won (On Being Fat and Fit)
Westchester County is filled with fit moms who live in their workout gear and flit between the gym, the tennis court, and lunch with the girls.
That isn't me.
I do live in my workout gear....
He Survived, But I Won’t Stop Fighting
Each year, during Food Allergy Awareness Month, I typically take this as an opportunity to discuss how food allergies impact my family, how we manage them, and why they deserve your attention. However, this...
It Turns Out I Was Never Alone
I remember showing up to my first new moms' group, a bundle of nerves, having dragged myself out of the house despite not wanting to go. I sometimes joke that I don't like people,...
Westchester’s Privilege Bubble Isn’t Pretty
I recently posted something in a local parenting forum about how heavy the mental load is for me as a working mom. I didn't ask for suggestions for resolving it. I just stated that...
10 Years Ago We Made a Choice That Changed Our Lives Forever
Ten years ago, my husband and I were childless newlyweds, living the working professional life in NYC. Our lives were pretty average. We had a dog, two cats, jobs, and friends, and we hoped...
From Near Death to Testing Negative to Food Allergies
Four years ago, we almost lost my child. Food allergies, while commonly teased and ridiculed, are severe and life-threatening conditions with a profound impact on patients' quality of life. A sesame allergy almost robbed...
In Defense of Starting the New Year With a “Meh” Attitude
Start your year with a bang! Ten habits to get your year off to a great start. Five ways to rock your new year. Your feed is probably flooded with headlines like these; all...
There is No Such Thing As Having It All
I'm just surviving. I thought by this point in my life, I'd have myself together. Instead, I'm forgetting to grab my kid's water bottle for school and running down the street to catch the...