Bath Time Essentials
Bath time is a very beloved activity in our house. It gives my kids a chance to play, and I get a few moments to enjoy them at the end of the day.
In our...
The One-Two Punch
Recently, I gave birth to my second baby. I didn't expect going from one to two kids to be easy, and many people I trusted adequately warned me throughout my pregnancy.
"With two kids, you're now...
Planting Seeds of Empathy and Kindness Through Literature
Reading to my kids is a huge part of my parenting. Books lead to great conversations and are a much better investment of my time, money, and space than toys. Our house is chock full...
The Best Breastfeeding Products for New Moms
Nursing my babies is, without a doubt, one of my favorite things about motherhood. I adore the bonding experience. I also take great pride in knowing that I made these kids from scratch and...
Lazy Mama Manual – Babywearing Basics
If there's one item I couldn't have lived without in the last couple of years, it's a baby carrier.
Being able to wear my babies has been an absolute joy and necessity. I have a...
Lazy Mama Manual: Why My Next Baby Will Be Born at Home
When I was pregnant with my son, I wanted a home birth. I had a few friends who had their babies at home before me, and their experiences were always better than the collective...
Parenting as Social Justice: My Favorite Books for Babies and Toddlers
I'm priming my son to fight for justice with me even at 18 months of age. Many people wonder what the heck that looks like for a kid so young. Mostly, it's about exposure....
Lazy Mama Manual: Baby Led Weaning
Confession time - lots of my practical parenting decisions are driven primarily by a need to simplify my life as much as possible. I feel no need to martyr myself to motherhood. Breastfeeding? Easier...
4 Teacher Skills For Parents
The number of decisions we have to make as parents is astounding. For me, it's not the big ones that seem to weigh on me like a ton of bricks. Whether to breastfeed, which...
One, Two, Threenager
Long before you become a parent, you learn about the "terrible twos." The tantrums and volatility of toddlerhood earn our two-year-olds this "terrible" nomenclature. But in my experience, there's nothing terrible about two. That...